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Entretien avec Kristin Cashore

Posté : jeu. mai 05, 2011 10:01 am
par marie.m
Angela Slatter, sur son site, nous propose un entretient avec Kristin Cashore, l'auteur de Graceling. On y parle de ses livres, d'écriture... et de cupcakes.

Extrait :
Graceling started with three characters who came knocking on my mind and who eventually became Katsa, Po, and Raffin. It was my job to listen in to their conversations and try to figure out who they were, where they were, and what they were so upset about. Once I had a better sense of those things, the real work of constructing them, their world, their connections, and the plot began.
Pour lire la suite de l'entretien, c'est sur le site d'Angela Slatter.