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Interview N.K. Jemisin

Posté : mer. juin 29, 2011 10:06 am
par Priscilla
Le site Science fiction and fantasy writers of america publie une interview en langue anglaise de N.K. Jemisin, dans laquelle l'auteure de La Trilogie de l'héritage revient, entre autres choses, sur sa manière d'écrire, ses influences, ses passions et la façon dont elle envisage l'évolution de sa carrière.

En voici un extrait :
The Hundred Thousand Kingdoms is the first book in The Inheritance Trilogy. When did the idea for the series first come to you?

Originally I thought of the story about 14 or 15 years ago, while I was in graduate school. It was probably some kind of reaction to thesis-writing stress; I remember having a vivid and disturbing dream of very strange people. One was a man with stars in his hair. If you tried to touch his hair your hand would just keep going and you’d fall in. Another was a boy juggling these beautiful polished stone balls — which, when you looked closely, turned out to be planets. I woke up in a fever to come up with a narrative to explain these characters. These images sort of fused with all the mythology I’d absorbed over the years and turned into enslaved gods.
Pour lire la suite, et obtenir plus de détails, c'est ici


Posté : mar. juil. 05, 2011 8:34 am
par marie.m
Orbit propose une traduction de l'interview. La première partie est déjà en ligne.